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Jabak Consultants

Website Development for a consultancy company offering building and civil engineering services in and outside Nigeria

Client Overview & Problem Statement

Jabak Consultants is a renowned quantity surveying and project management company in Lagos Nigeria.

Jabak needed a new and innovative way to:

  • Reach their clients both locally and internationally
  • Showcase their projects and services
  • Receive project proposals
BeeTcore Digital Product Design & Development Agency | Lagos Nigeria | Portfolio | Jabak Consultants - Mobile View

Our Solution

We designed and built a sophisticated, visually compelling website to elevate Jabak Consultants’ online presence and reach clients both locally and internationally. Our UX-optimized site features a mobile responsive interface, ensuring accessibility across all devices. The site showcases their extensive projects and services effectively, while integrated tools allow for easy receipt of project proposals.

BeeTcore Digital Product Design & Development Agency | Portfolio | Website Development | WordPress | Lagos Nigeria | Homepage | Jabak Consultants

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