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Ideation Hub Africa

Website development for Nigeria’s leading social impact and incubation company, empowering more that 3,000 individuals & businesses annually

Client Overview & Problem Statement

Ideation Hub Africa is a social impact incubator providing early-stage social entrepreneurs and non-profit professionals with experiential education, enterprise incubation, growth advisory and collaborative platforms to start, scale and sustain their big ideas for changing Africa. Ideation Hub Africa needed a solution to help:

  • Share event reports
  • Share their blog articles
  • Receive email sign-ups from various landing pages and forms
  • Disseminate information about their programs
  • Sell E-books and services
  • Receive books and online messages
BeeTcore Digital Product Design & Development Agency | Lagos Nigeria | Portfolio | Ideation Hub Africa - Mobile

Our Solution

We designed and built a dynamic, user-friendly website for Ideation Hub Africa to support their mission of empowering early-stage social entrepreneurs and non-profit professionals. The new platform enables them to effectively share event reports, disseminate program information, and publish blog articles. It also facilitates seamless email sign-ups, the sale of e-books and services, and communication through books and online messages.

BeeTcore Digital Product Design & Development Agency | Portfolio | Website Development | WordPress | Lagos Nigeria | Homepage | Ideation Hub Africa

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