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Website development for an NGO working to end preventable sickness among women and children in Nigeria and Africa

Client Overview & Problem Statement

Centre for Health Systems Support and Initiatives for Development (CHESIDS) is working to end preventable sickness among women and children; building community resilience; partnering with youths for health, and strengthening health systems in Lagos, Nigeria. CHESIDS needed an online platform that helps:

  • Share info about their outreaches and events
  • Share their blog articles
  • Receive email sign-ups from various landing pages and forms
  • Receive donations
BeeTcore Digital Product Design & Development Agency | Lagos Nigeria | Portfolio | CHESIDS - Mobile View

Our Solution

We collaborated closely with CHESIDS to create a dynamic website that serves as a comprehensive platform for their impactful initiatives aimed at ending preventable sickness among women and children in Nigeria and Africa.

BeeTcore Digital Product Design & Development Agency | Lagos Nigeria | Portfolio | Homepage | CHESIDS

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